Nipple Patch For Sims 3
Posted by1 year ago
I need to get something off my chest (pun) about skin mods.
I have a few skin mods in my game, and they would be great. IF most of them didn't screw up the nipples. I know it might sound trivial but dear god, modders. Your skins would be perfect if it were not for the fact that I download a skin that looks great only to see nipples overlaying into each other. Most of my skins do this which sucks. This means like only 1/3 of my skins have the nipple textures lining up properly. I play with nude mods and even so male sims are shirtless when swimming. So, the nipples bother me a lot. I don't know why this is a problem. Maybe it has to do with game updates or something but it sucks to have a skin look great in pictures only for it to be asymmetrical and it's giving me serious OCD.
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